Film Reviews

7039 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 31/05/2024. 753 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Into Great Silence by Philip Gröning


A forgotten dimension for Western audiences, invested with a sea of visual and sonorous signs...  

Die Grosse Stille

Die Grosse Stille

Northern Light by David Lammers


Pictures can say more than a thousand words, but what if one does not want to speak?  

Langer Licht

Langer Licht

The Secret Life of Words by Isabel Coixet


Words have a life, and this life lies entirely in the "spoken", in the challenge of the unspeakable. Precisely like cinema, which confronts that which cannot be adequately expressed  

La vida secreta de las palabras

La vida secreta de las palabras

Song of Songs by Josh Appignanesi


Josh Appignanesi’s austere chamber piece set in London’s Orthodox Jewish community provides another training ground for Natalie Press  

Song of Songs

Song of Songs

Romanzo Criminale by Michele Placido


Placido’s film liberally recounts the real life events of the Magliana Gang, which between 1977 and 1992 ran the most ambitious criminal operation ever seen in Rome  

Romanzo Criminale

Romanzo Criminale

Volver by Pedro Almodóvar


Three generations of women who survive wind, fire, madness, superstition and even death through their kindness, lies and an endless vitality  



Renaissance by Christian Volckman


A futuristic thriller in 3D and in black-and-white, set in Paris circa 2054, a fascinating mix of graphics and "motion capture" techniques. A voyage at supersonic speed in a quest of immortality  



Snow white by Samir


With a beautiful fairytale of love, ballasted by hip-hop and cocaine, Samir surprises and challenges, in depicting the attraction of superficiality and the scorched earth of drug-taking  

Snow white

Snow white

Longing by Valeska Grisebach


Beyond Hatred by Olivier Meyrou


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